Reconciliation Victoria is delighted to partner with the National Centre for Reconciliation, Truth, and Justice in their exciting new project – Roads to Reconciliation – Activating Multicultural Victoria’, launched in August at the Koorie Heritage Trust.
Generously funded by the Victorian Department of Families, Fairness & Housing, this significant and innovative project will engage with Victorian metropolitan and regional multicultural communities on reconciliation.
The project will be led by two eminent multicultural leaders, Maria Dimopoulos AM and Shankar Kasynathan, both Adjunct Senior Research Fellows at the National Centre for Reconciliation, Truth, and Justice, and former Commissioners with the Victorian Multicultural Commission.
Involving a series of workshops across 25 Victorian local government areas, and projects delivered by 10 community fellowship recipients representing a diverse cross section of Victoria’s multicultural community, the project is calling for interest from councils who would like to host a workshop or event in their community.
The second workshop of the project will be hosted at Reconciliation Victoria in September, featuring a keynote from CEO Nicole Findlay and coinciding with the launch of a special issue of the Journal of Australian Indigenous Issues on the Importance of a First Nations Voice to Parliament.
If your council or organisation would like to support this work, please contact Shankar Kasynathan.
Watch our Maggolee webinar discussion about the Roads to Reconciliation project.