Reconciliation Victoria RAP Workshops

We deliver RAP workshops on a fee-for-service basis to support RAP organisations operating in Victoria, to increase awareness and understanding of the Victorian Aboriginal policy landscape.  

We believe a state-based approach and understanding helps Victorian RAP organisations to develop and implement RAP commitments and strategies that promote respect and awareness of Victorian voices, truth-telling, and treaty advancement.
We strongly support and believe it is essential for all Victorian RAP organisations to develop and embed RAP actions and deliverables in consultation with Traditional Owners and First Nations people who live and work in Victoria.
Reconciliation Victoria’s RAP workshops are inclusive of and jointly delivered with Traditional Owners from Victoria, Elders and First Nations peoples who have an interest in supporting RAP organisations with a commitment to reconciliation.

Image: Ethnic Communities Council of Victoria RAP workshop (Nov 2022) – ECCV Team, Rec Vic, and Uncle Alan Brown (Gunditjmara).

Reconciliation Victoria's RAP Workshops help to:

  • Explain how Reconciliation Victoria works with First Peoples, local reconciliation networks, local governments, and schools to progress reconciliation across Victoria.
  • Provide RAP organisations with an understanding of the purpose of a RAP, key themes, and the importance of accountability.
  • Provide a roadmap for developing a meaningful RAP and tips for avoiding the tick-box trap.
  • We support RAP organisations to explore, engage, and deepen their thinking about why they are choosing to develop a reconciliation action plan and understand what their long-term commitment to reconciliation will look like.
  • We include interactive activities to assist RAP organisatons to increase staff awareness around the important work being led by First Peoples and Aboriginal Agencies in Victoria to advance Treaty and Truth-telling.  

Image: Yoorrook Justice Commission's guiding values and principles. Artwork by Dixon Patten.
Courtesy of Yoorrook Justice Commission Interim Report 2022.

  • We work with RAP organisations to help them understand the importance of working with First Nations people at all stages of their RAP journey and how to measure, track and celebrate their RAP success.
  • We conduct cultural self-reflection activities in our RAP workshops to support RAP organisations to understand the many benefits of strengthening and embedding long-term cultural learning strategies into their RAP.

Scar Tree image kindly shared by Uncle Jim Berg.