Statewide Reconciliation Forums

Reconciliation Victoria organises three statewide reconciliation forums each year. These are open to anyone who has an interest in progressing meaningful reconciliation in Victoria - all welcome!

We try to vary the themes, locations and speakers for each forum, with one residential forum in a regional location each year, plus two one-day forums in a metro Melbourne location. One of these metro Melbourne forums is combined with our Annual General Meeting.

Upcoming Forum:

Check back here soon for information about our next reconciliation forum!

Past Forums:
October 2020 - AGM and Reconciliation Forum

Reconciliation Victoria and ANTaR Victoria hosted our joint AGMs and Forum – ‘Truth, Justice, and Treaty: Healing Victoria’s Scars’ on Saturday 7 November 2020 via Zoom.

'Truth, Justice and Treaty: Healing Victoria's Scars' is a chance for Reconciliation Victoria members and friends to learn more about recent reconciliation updates in Victoria, including the establishment of a truth-telling commission and the latest work of the First Peoples' Assembly of Victoria. The forum was followed by a session in Zoom Breakout Rooms where attendees in small groups were able to ask questions, reflect on what we've heard and ask ourselves what we can do next to progress reconciliation in all corners of the state.

The discussion was guided by MC Levi McKenzie-Kirkbright, a proud Yuin, Dunghutti, Gamilaraay, and Gadigal man. He is also a member of Reconciliation Victoria’s Cultural Council of First Peoples. Levi was joined by our guest speakers, Sheena Watt MLC - a Yorta Yorta woman and member of the Victorian Legislative Council for the Northern Metropolitan Region, Marcus Stewart – a Nira illim bulluk man of the Taungurung nation and Co-Chair of the First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria, and Shane Charles – a Yorta Yorta, Wurundjeri, and Boon Wurrung man and Co-Chair of Reconciliation Victoria.

To view the full program of the day's events and times, please click here.

Find out more about previous statewide reconciliation forums.