Local Reconciliation Groups in Victoria

Reconciliation Victoria works with an independent network of Local Reconciliation Groups, throughout both metropolitan and regional Victoria who promote cultural awareness, understanding and education in their local communities. LRGs serve an important purpose in the Victorian landscape and are often the local go-to-group in many metro and regional local government areas.

The people who participate in LRGs are strongly committed to reconciliation and work hard to build and maintain positive relationships and friendships with First Peoples. LRGs are strong advocates and allies with a high-level of respect and regard for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture and history.

This makes LRGs an important stakeholder for organisations developing Reconciliation Action Plans (RAPs) or strategies. LRGs are great at brokering relationships and collectively work to influence reconciliation progress, and hold RAP organisations accountable for their RAP actions, deliverables, and commitments.

If there isn't a group in your area and you would like to set one up, Reconciliation Victoria has created a Start Up Guide to support you, available here.

If you have any further questions, please contact us!

Reconciliation Victoria Local Reconciliation Group Forum in 2023.

List of Local Reconciliation Groups

Bass Coast/South Gippsland Reconciliation Group

Marg Lynn: marglynn@tpg.com.au or 0419 361 039
Facebook: Click here

Bendigo Reconciliation Committee

Stephanie Armstrong: sarmstrong611@yahoo.com.au
John Bonnice: jbcb54@tpg.com.au or 0419 330 799
Facebook: Click here

Boroondara Reconciliation Network

David Crawford: 9859 3536
Leigh Naunton: reconcileboroondara@gmail.com or 0425 722 272
Facebook: Click here

Castlemaine ANTaR

Vic Say: sayvf@castlemaine.net or 5472 1841

Concerned Australians

Georgina Gartland: gegart21@gmail.com or 0412 396 388
Pia Pagotto: info@concernedaustralians.com.au or 0419 541 733

Gariwerd Wimmera Reconciliation Network

Email: info@gwrn.org.au
Facebook: Click Here or Website: Click here

Geelong One Fire Reconciliation Group

Email: geelongonefire@gmail.com
Website: Click here

Macedon Ranges Truth & Reconciliation Group

Mischa Herman: reconciliation@mrtg.com.au or 0412 146 419
Facebook: Click here or Website: Click here

Maroondah Movement for Reconciliation

Bob Heaton: rjheaton@optusnet.com.au or 9723 1646
Tom Gay: tomjoyce@aanet.com.au or 9870 8328

Monash Reconciliation Group

Felicity Smith: mrg2009@live.com.au or 0412 772 711 or 0417 146 394
Facebook: Click here or Website: Click here

Moonee Valley Reconciliation Group
Merri-bek Allyship Network

(Formerly Moreland Reconciliation Group)
Coordinated by SSSOwing Sistas: Living Together on Stolen Land
Email: sowingsistas@gmail.com
Facebook: Click here

Nillumbik Reconciliation Group

Jan Aitken: aitken59@bigpond.net.au or 0407682 177
Website: Click here or Facebook: Click here

Port Phillip Citizens for Reconciliation

Rosemary Rule: rosemary.rule@gmail.com or 03 9699 8804
Website: Click here or Facebook: Click here

Queenscliff Reconciliation

Jo Whitehead: 5258 1722
John Murray: 5258 4397

Reconciliation Banyule

Sue Harris: rhubarb@bigpond.net.au or 0413 048 202
Website: Click here or Facebook: Click here

Reconciliation Manningham

Email: reconciliationmanningham.org.au@gmail.com
Facebook: Click here or Website: Click here

Reconciliation Stonnington

Email: info@reconciliationstonnington.org.au
Website: Click here
Click here or Instagram: @reconciliation_stonnington

Shepparton Region Reconciliation Group

Dierdre Robertson: respect.srrg@outlook.com or 5821 6600
Facebook: Click here

Whitehorse Friends for Reconciliation

Howard Tankey: howardtankey@bigpond.com or 9898 2514
Facebook: Click here

Whittlesea Reconciliation Group

Rachel Burns: rachel.burns@whittlesea.vic.gov.au or 9217 2159
Michelle Hooke: michelle.hooke@whittlesea.vic.gov.au or 9217 2179
Website: Click here

Yarra Ranges ANTaR

Joyce Dodge: gjdodge@alphalink.com.au or 9726 6627

Reconciliation Kensington

Reconciliation Banyule

Reconciliation Stonnington