If you are considering starting a new group, Reconciliation Victoria has created a Start Up Guide to support you, available here.
If you have any further questions, please email us at info@reconciliationvic.org.au or phone 03 9016 0657.
Local Reconciliation Groups (LRGs) play an important role in advancing and promoting reconciliation at the community level. LRGs come together to provide opportunities for learning and action, which can involve organising a range of events and activities such as local forums, film nights, concerts, cultural tours, and walks, talks at local schools, art exhibitions and information displays.
Many groups also work with local government and schools to promote reconciliation, as well as greater awareness of Aboriginal history and culture.s greater awareness of Aboriginal history and culture.
Learn more about how we work with local groups
Find out about our statewide forums, held for Local Reconciliation Groups and anyone interested in progressing meaningful reconciliation in Victoria.
Join Reconciliation Victoria for our LRG Statewide Forum 2024. This will be an opportunity to bring together the 30+ Local Reconciliation Groups (LRGs) across Victoria, share updates, and learn from each other.
Saturday 5 October | 10:45am-2pm | T.O.M.S Place and online.
Find out more and register your attendance here.
There are Local Reconciliation Groups throughout Victoria you can join.
Find and contact your nearest group through the full list of Local Reconciliation Groups here.
If you are considering starting a new group, Reconciliation Victoria has created a Start Up Guide to support you, available here.
If you have any further questions, please email us at info@reconciliationvic.org.au or phone 03 9016 0657.