First Peoples Voice to Parliament is the first reform called for in the Uluru Statement from the Heart.
This is a constitutionally enshrined body of First Nations People with a direct line to Federal Parliament, able to influence laws and policies that affect First Nations communities. A constitutional Voice is both symbolic and substantive recognition.
Read Reconciliation Victoria's position statement on the Voice to Parliament.
Find Rec Vic, Local Reconciliation Group and community events on our Voice events page.
The referendum is on Saturday, 14 October 2023.
We will be asked to vote on whether to change the Constitution to recognise the First Peoples of Australia by establishing a body called the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice.
Voters will be asked to write ‘yes’ or ‘no’ on the ballot paper to a single question:
“A Proposed Law: to alter the Constitution to recognise the First Peoples of Australia by establishing an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice.
Do you approve this proposed alteration?”
Read the proposed constitutional amendment.
Read the Voice design principles in full.
Visit the Australian Electoral Commission for information about how and where to vote.
In strong support of a YES vote at the upcoming referendum, Reconciliation Victoria has launched its VOICE Video.
The video reinforces Reconciliation Victoria’s position on a constitutionally enshrined First Nations' Voice to Parliament and our full support for the Uluru Statement from the Heart.
We encourage all Reconciliation Victoria supporters and members to get behind First Peoples, make all our voices heard, and vote YES for a constitutionally enshrined First Nations’ Voice to Parliament.
Our VOICE video was produced by Little Rocket First Nations' Creative Agency.
On 12 September, Senator Pat Dodson and Special Envoy for Reconciliation and Implementation of the Uluṟu Statement and Senator for WA, made an urgent at the National Press Club.
Senator Dodson said the day after the referendum Australians will "have a look in the mirror" and ask themselves of the result: "How is this going to impact your kids and yourself going forward?".
The Victorian Council of Social Service (VCOSS) and Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation Inc. (VACCHO) have partnered to make a pro-Voice campaign video for the Victorian community sector.
The video leans into the complicated history of previous First Nations 'voices' to Parliament, to underline why it's critical any new Voice is enshrined in the Constitution.
Read VCOSS's statement in support of the Voice.
Click on each tab for a range of resources on a First Nations Voice to Parliament and upcoming referendum.
News Updates
Fact Sheet and Guides
Translated Resources
Australian Electoral Commission
Videos and Recordings
The Voice Referendum can be a difficult time for First Peoples and allies. Different opinions about the Voice, could lead to difficult conversations with family, friends and colleagues.
Sadly too, some people will express racist or negative views about First Nations peoples on social media and other channels. These conversations may cause additional stress for some people.
If talk of the Voice is affecting your wellbeing, it is important to know there is support available.
The Uluru Statement is an invitation from First Nations Peoples issued to all Australians on 27 May 2017. It calls for legal and structural reforms to reshape the relationship between First Nations Peoples and the Australian population.
The Uluru Statement is an invitation from First Nations Peoples issued to all Australians on 27 May 2017. It calls for legal and structural reforms to reshape the relationship between First Nations Peoples and the Australian population.
The statement calls for two substantive changes:
Voice and Makarrata.
The Uluru Statement is an invitation from First Nations Peoples issued to all Australians on 27 May 2017. It calls for legal and structural reforms to reshape the relationship between First Nations Peoples and the Australian population.
A Voice will mean the commonwealth government will have better quality information about First Nations communities and issues, delivered directly by First Nations Peoples themselves.
Learn more about the Uluru Statement via Uluru Dialogue Group.
Reconciliation Victoria, alongside peak reconciliation organisations across the nation have aligned in strong support for the Uluru Statement from the Heart and a constitutionally enshrined Voice to Parliament.
Read the Australian Reconciliation Network (ARN) joint statement here.
Reconciliation Australia has released the 2022 Australian Reconciliation Barometer (ARB), a biennial national research survey which looks at the relationship between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and the wider population, and how perceptions affect progress towards reconciliation.
When it comes to the key proposals for a First Nations Voice to Parliament, Australians widely believe the reforms are important, including 60% in the general community who think giving First Nations people a say is very important. However, it is notable that sentiments have softened regarding a Voice and Truth-telling, since 2020.
The vast majority also think it’s important for Constitutional changes to establish a First Nations representative Body and to protect that Body. And, most Australians (69%) believe such reconciliation efforts are the responsibility of all Australians (page 2).
Uluru Dialogue Group, the peak First Nations body backing the Voice to Parliament, released a report on 27 January 2023, indicating 80 percent of First Nations people back the Voice to Parliament.
The poll, conducted by market research company IPSOS, found 80 per cent of First Nations people would vote yes in a referendum with a further one-in-10 undecided. Only 10 per cent said they did not support the Voice.
The poll also found First Nations supporters of the Voice were confident in that support, with three quarters of yes voters ‘very sure’ about their decision, with the remaining ‘fairly sure’.
Alyawarre woman and Uluru Dialogue co-chair Pat Anderson said the research confirmed the campaign for a First Nations Voice reflected the views of most Traditional Owners as a chance to improve outcomes for First Nations communities.
The poll was conducted from January 20 to 24 2023 and surveyed 300 First Nations people around Australia.